Hoop Dreams!

Basketball and Pierre

Believe it or not, i didnt like basketball as much when i was a kid. In my younger days, i was a huge skateboarder: outside everyday tring my best to be like the guys i seen on tv. It wasnt until about sophmore year of high school that i began to watch basketball and it was from their that the interest came. Seeing the pros on the court with the dribble moves that will make you stand there with your mouth open was exciting! Ever since then i began to work on my game so i could get better. I found out quickly that it wasnt as easy as it looked on tv to shoot, pass, and dribble. Playing with my friends is a major benefit because we all have fun and go hard in our games. Basketball is so active that anyone can play too, which is always a benefit as well.
Dribbling Image
This is how I look when playing basketball
If you would like to check out professional basketball highlights go to Best NBA highlights