Family Worship Center Singers and Musicians


Shop Family Worship Center Live Music CD's

Favorite CD Releases

"YAHWEH" is one of the newest CD releases from the FWC Singers & Musicians. The title is the covenant name of The Lord Jesus Christ and each song gives glory and honor to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The anointing of the Holy Spirit fills each song and will bless your heart after each listen.
My Shepherd, Robin Herd
"My Shepherd" brings the great old hymns of the church that will make you sing and shout. Robin Herd and the entire FWC Singers & Musicians will bless your hearts with their anointed singing and Worship. Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved Psalms in the Bible, and The Lord Jesus Christ is the Great Shepherd of the Born-Again Christian!
When I Lay My Issac Down
The greatest thing for the child of God is to lay everything down and surrender their lives to God so that The Lord Jesus Christ can live through us. In this CD, the FWC Singers & Musicians bring us 8 great Spirit-Filled songs that will lead you into the Presence of Almighty God.